Supporting Social Change

Most of us who are drawn to work in philanthropy do so not to support the status quo but to help provide funding and other forms of support for those who seek to create a better world. Since most of our time is spent on individual grants, it can be difficult to step back and think about how our work might ultimately fulfill that ambitious goal. I was fortunate to work at The Marguerite Casey Foundation, where all of our grantmaking was in support of movement building in low-income communities. These three pieces were informed by my work there, but they are personal statements and do not represent the views of the Foundation or its Board or staff.

Community Engagement

May 2008

Commissioned by The California Endowment to inform the implementation of its place-based grantmaking strategy.

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Building a Movement for Health Justice

February 2008

Commissioned by The California Endowment as a backgrounder for their strategic planning process.

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Investing in People to Build Collective Advantage


Leadership Development is a burgeoning theme across philanthropy, yet the approaches we support often reinforce the traditional American individualistic image of leadership. This piece explores ways in which we might embrace a more collective approach to developing and sustaining nonprofit leadership. It was an invited address to the 2005 annual meeting of the Jewish Funders Network in Baltimore.

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